Hypermobile and Happy

Learning that you have a painful life long tissue condition in your 40s is quite the journey. I have felt lonely and felt silly and stupid that somehow injuries and issues kept happening to me. To realise after 4 decades that my tissues are abnormal and all over my body has been a huge piece of the pain puzzle for me.

I love to learn new things so I put this skill to good use and have been learning more about Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome over the past few years.
I rely on apps, social media, medical papers and professionals, books, podcasts and so much more. The information is fascinating and has led to many an “A-ha” moment - or should that be an “Arghhhh - owwww” moment. There have been many of those!
Hypermobile & Happy
I have read a few publications over the years and today I am featuring the well named “Hypermobile & Happy” by Shannon. E Gale. I say well named because while I live in pain, I want to thrive and create joy and be as happy as I can be. This book reminds me of that!
Reading this book has been life affirming in many ways. Shannon explains many of her own hEDS experiences and ailments. I found myself nodding along and exclaiming “me too!” I winced, pouted and cried as I realised that someone also faced so much confusion.

Reading and Reflecting
What I really like about this book is how many conditions are covered and the self healing techniques offered. Many of them I had also stumbled upon in the past 40 years so to read that my own techniques mirror Shannon’s means that collectively many of us do have answers and tips and tricks that can help.
This book is packed with citations as well which means checking out medical papers should you wish to. I like to book mark - with my cute cat stickers all the pages of conditions that are relevant to me. And yes sometimes I have added an extra cat sticker when a new ailment strikes and I know that I have Shannon’s book to hand.
Happy & Healing
This book is perfect for anyone who suspects they have hEDS or diagnosed with hEDS and are looking to learn new ways to deal with symptoms and tissue issues.
There are always new things and techniques to learn and I am inspired by this book to choose to put myself and my pain first and heal myself. While this is a genetic condition with no cure, I can create a world with condition friendly choices, changes and communities where I and my tissues feel safer and able to recover more quickly.