Along my hEDS diagnosis journey and now managing this condition I have a few books and informational resources I have found helpful.

hEDS Resources

Please take a look at books and websites that discuss Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome

This book covers FAQs, comorbidities and management. I have found it very useful to take to medical appointments.

Run, carefully but don't walk to Alex's website. Alex is an Osteopath that I connected with over TikTok and I have learnt so much through her and her fabulous community on Discord. Simply wonderful. 

This UK based organisation has a helpline, support groups, forms, information and a lot more educational content including presentations. Both a free and membership organisation.

Jeannie is a pilates teacher and has developed a series of hEDS friendly gentle exercises with different levels of difficulty to help stretch AND strengthen the body. I have joined the app and found it very useful.

Pain Resources

Please take a look at books and websites that discuss chronic pain

The Painfree Mindset

This book covers pain and how to reframe your mindset to find a new way to feel and think about pain. 

Pain UK is an alliance of charities providing a voice for people in pain

This book gives a new look at pain and tools to help cope and practice new ways of managing pain

This app provides tools and information for pain management and a new way to view pain

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Books about hEDS

These books have been really helpful to me and my hEDS journey. I enjoy them for several reasons which I will blog about next year.

The book I am currently reading is by Zebra App Creator, Jeannie Di Bon. It is a book with gentle exercises aimed at helping the hypermobile body.

Hypermobility Without Tears

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Books about Pain

I am learning so much about Pain as a medical, biological, emotional concept and it is vast and complex. I am learning skills rather than taking pills. I will blog about this more next year.

I am reading some good books about pain so I will share those once I have processed them and how they may have helped me.

Coming Soon

I will soon be featuring groups of practical tools, supports, products, books, services and much more that I have personally used to help deal with pain, fatigue, injury and much more.

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